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If your birthday is in the next month (20 Feb.-20 Mar.)

You are a Fish!

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The year of the Rabbit will start on Feb. 16, 1999.

On the same day, another great portion of humanity will have the joy to celebrate Mardi Gras.

Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first day of the first Lunar month of the year. The party goes on for the first three weeks of the new moon. 

Like in other cultures, New Year symbolizes the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. All debts are paid, new clothes are bought, everything is cleaned. A new cycle begins. 

All the Chinese people get a year older on Chinese New Year, it is everybody's birthday. 

For many weeks before New Year, special food is prepared, homes are decorated with red and orange ornaments, scrolls are hung with good wishes : Good Health, Happiness, Happy New Year, Long life! 

Click here to read the article

Look who's coming to dinner?

What a long movie... is about all you will hear if you listen to what people have to say when they come out of the theater after watching Martin Brest's "Meet Joe Black".

It took nearly 3 hours (2 hours and 58 seconds, to be precise) for Anthony Hopkins to finally meet who is behind Joe Black. 

If some movies are intense because of their fascinating dialogues, this one will strike mostly by its silences. The artistic expected effects seemed to have been shadowed by a strict direction, and you spend long moments wondering what they are trying to show you. 

Click Here to read the article

The general outlook is not that the person has died but that the person has lived. 

William Buchanan, on writing obituaries 

Our Banner is Beautiful!

The Golden Archer has formed a partnership with a Parisian graphic designer: Ffrench Graphics.

From the beginning (one year ago already), Ffrench Graphics has been providing us with graphics. We now have a  very neat banner we can display on your site if you wish.

All you have to do is copy the following HTML code and paste it onto your site .

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You would like a web page, your business is small but it deserves an international window. Your advertisement budget is rather limited but you would like to develop and use your century's methods of marketing.

Your daughter and son are bugging you :"Come on Dad, get Internet!", your wife or husband cheers some more "it would be great to join the crowds". So you think of killing two birds with the one stone, make everyone happy and improve your commerce.

There are easy ways to do so.

Click here to find out the easiest and cheapest way to get your small business on the net

The Writers Terrace, your home!
The Writers Terrace offers a unique space for publishing your texts, learning more writing skills, reading what others have to say.

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100 Lucky Writers will be displayed for FREE.

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The Writers Terrace

To all of you who are filling up IRS papers, I am sure you'll agree with: 

I'm proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is — I could be just as proud for half the money.

Arthur Godfrey


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February in History

Did you know?

Malcom X was assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965

100 years ago!

The US and Philippines war started on Feb. 4th, 1899 and ended on July 4th, 1902

"Great Arctic Outbreak": Temp. fall -61 in Montana, -21 in Kansas City


In the Golden Job Basket, you might find just what you are looking for. We will put tips, ads, everything you need to look for and get that job!

Golden Job Basket


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